This is going to be a "updated daily" post because it's 3:15 AM (at the time I started typing) and I'm tired so this list will start off short and gradually grow as time grows on and someone or something else gives me a reason to hate it.
- Miranda Cosgrove...seriously, how did she get so fucking popular? She's on a fucking kids show and yet is known by children and adults alike. One thing's for sure, she's living, breathing fucking proof that you don't need talent or skills to either act or get a recording deal with some dumb ass record company.
- Weed...You smoke weed and you post pictures on Facebook or MySpace? How fucking dumb are you? You do realize that your ISP can track your IP address to your exact location and have the cops storming it in seconds, right? So go ahead, brag about how "cool" your homegrown crops are. Fucking idiots!
- Anime...How can people like such a shitty product? Shitty animation is the biggest flaw in that shit. Anime should just be called "Suckass Poor Man's Version Of American Animation." The only great Anime that was created was the old Johnny Quest...and that was because Hannah-Barbara were extremely low on funds so they had reason to limit animation.
- Public Affection...I'm so happy you're in a relationship with someone you "love" but do you have to flood my Facebook wall with that fucking shit? I could give a fuck less if you miss your significant other or if they're the greatest boyfriend/girlfriend ever. All you're doing is bragging and it gets pretty fucking annoying.
- Exes...OK, you two are seriously considering getting back together? Hey fuckers, remember that you broke up for a reason and that reason was shit was too rocky and it wasn't right. So what makes you think shit will be different the second time around...hmm?
- People...Sometimes, people in general just fucking piss me off. Sometimes I can just look at someone I don't know and just have the urge to bash their fucking skull in with a fucking ratchet. Don't ask me why, but it happens.
- Microsoft...You people are billionaires and yet you continue to rob the fuck out of us.
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Don't believe me? Check out the link and enter a bunch of random info to see how much it'll cost your ass!×tmp=634270073112362035&ps=1&acty=ProductList&ctl=productlist&wf=PID&trl=PID~ProductList&sd=gn&c=SMC&ln=en-us&prid=10181&gsaid=423614
What a load of cowabunga shit!
Not only that, why do we have to pay to go on Xbox Live? Does Sony makes us pay for internet access? Fuck no! Damn fucking con artists!
- Victoria Justice...OK, I admit she was OK at first, but now she's becoming really fucking annoying! They had her shitty "Victorious" Special (Freak The Freak Out) about 20 times already. Her fucking singing is fucking driving me up the fucking wall, driving me fucking nuts! Honestly, fuck off, Victoria. Look at Drake Bell and how popular he, "Merry Christmas Drake and Josh" is on and Drake Bell or Josh Peck aren't even mentioned...even though the movie revolves around their characters. But, oh goodie, they advertise Miranda Cosgrove! Fuck you Miranda, fuck you, Victoria and fuck you, Nickelodeon!
*More updates as I come up with them.
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